I love my life right now. Love. Love. Love. It. There really isn't even a reason, I just do.
Last night Dewy, Rhett, and I got in the car (Rhett may or may not have been on my lap. Mother of the year folks) and we drove around the neighborhood to look at the Christmas lights. Rhett was mesmerized, and so was I. I was in awe of the life that I have. It just really doesn't get any better. Truly. Now onto the improvement concept. We can only move forward right? If you aren't progressing you most definitely must be regressing.
I have a goal that I think is finally going to be the key for me. Its no secret that I'm not exactly slim (especially after birthing a human), however, I think I have been going about this thing all wrong. In my attempts to get slimmer (not skinny cause that will never happen... I love butter) I have made my focuses be all about the poundage. I decided this weekend, that it needs to be about the health--not the poundage necessarily. AND I'm not one that can say I want to lose a pound a week. If I don't get that pound off, then I feel like I epically failed and I run to my fridge and eat my feelings.
I decided I was going to take it one day at a time. That means that each day is a new day. The hardest part for me is exercise. I always start my day with every intention of exercising, but some days I either don't find the time (that doesn't mean I don't HAVE the time) or I just whip out some stupid ten minute sit up session and call it good.
I don't do mornings. Period. However, I have accepted the fact, that sometimes that is the only option. My goal now is to wake up and exercise BEFORE WORK. I also don't like being cold. Major problem with working out in the morning. I have bought the Jillian Michaels work out DVD "30 Day Shred" as recommended by my lovely friend Haylee. Holy kick my butt. I don't even own hand weights (I use two bottles of Mr. Clean as dumbells--hows that for frugal? ... seriously someone buy me some weights for Christmas).
So blog land, here it is. I am making a goal to exercise every single day, not to eat after 8pm, AND to make sure I am eating healthy during the day. Remember, this is a health battle--NOT A POUND BATTLE. So if you see me, and you want to tell me I look awesome, that would be appropriate. If I don't look awesome... just lie.
5 thoughts:
Remember when we woke up that ONE TIME at like 5:30 am to go to that kick boxing class?? ha ha ha not sure i could ever do that again. We were crazy, but probably in better shape. Miss you! We need to get together before the holidays and most likely EAT ;)
Can I join in on the exercise thing...cause I don't do that either. It's all so overwhelming!! Good luck, I know you can do it!
I think you always look awesome!
I recently read a book that my sister (who is also a doctor, if that gives it any credence) recommended. It's called: Why We Get Fat, and What to Do About It. It was very thought-provoking, and the answer isn't as obvious as the "don't take in more than you put out" doctrine that prevails. If you have the time and inclination to read it, let me know what you think.
I think I want to read the above book. I like the bold title "why we get fat!" No sugar coating in that book it sounds like. i'm gonna get it. And I just have to say that you are seriously the most gorgeous girl ever. If you weren't, I just wouldn't say anything about it, but I seriously stare at pictures of you sometimes. GORGEOUS. Also, the new weight watchers point system, is THE BOMB. I am on it for LIFE. Best money I spend. I use to always be like "K i'm gonna eat 900 calories a day for 5 months and loose 5 pounds a month and then I can be done!" . . . no. Never worked. So I love weight watchers because it tells you just what to do, in a way that will be healthy, and you can stick with it. I'm trying to find something I can do FOREVER. Now the exercise thing. . . I swear I will hate it forever
Oh! I forgot something else. But real quick, you should check out weight watchers. I think that they have a free trial thing, so you can see what it's all about and if you like it.
but I wanted to get on your blog today to tell you that I was thinking about you today at church! I just got put in Y.W! So of course I think of my girls! They said the Y.W theme and they said "Receive the ORDINANCE of the temple" Ha ha ha ha! I totally forgot about that until I heard them say it! Remember how we would say all loud "Receive the ordinanceS of the temple" I'm gonna have to teach these california girls how we do it in Utah! ha ha
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