I'm updating. Finally.
A week after Rhett was born we had to take him in to get circumsized. Traumatic much? Duh. I was sobbing before we even hit 25th street on our way from North Ogden to the hospital. Dewy sat and laughed at me. I'm telling you...this emotional garbage has to stop immediately. When we got to the doctor's office and were in the room waiting for her to come in I tried to gain some composure so the doctor wouldn't think I was unstable and take my baby away. No luck. She came in pulled her chair up close to me and asked if I was doing ok... I shook my head with gusto. Dewy then informed me she meant me personally after the delivery. Oops... I looked like a doofus. I choked out that I was fine. Think she was convinced? Me either.
We asked her a little bit about the procedure (like if we had to watch... such charming parents we are. Send our son off to the knife alone while we wait outside...someone call D.C.F.S.) She told us he would be numb and that she would give him a little sugar water to distract him. She then informed me that she NEVER EVER uses sugar water for anything else (acting like I was going to not be ok with sugar water... are you kidding me? Dope him up! The less he knows what is happening the better! And give me some too while you are at it) and that the procedure would be about a half hour. She took my baby and left the room. Cue sobbing hysterically. From me. Not Rhett mind you... me. Dewy looked at me and said in his you-are-acting-like-a-2-year-old-so-I'm-going-to-talk-to-you-like-one voice "Lets go for a walk." So we did. We walked, I cried. We came back to the room and sat down for about ten minutes before doc came back with my baby. He was sucking on his binky. No red face from screaming. No red eyes from crying. Not a peep. She said he didn't make a sound the whole time. I glared at him... tough guy huh? Already trying to make mom look like a fool huh? Punk.
A week later we took him in for his two week appointment. I stripped him down on the table (while the nurse waited outside by the scale) and as I took his shirt off his cord fell off. Sweet. That thing was gross... someone asked me if I kept it. Who keeps those? Thats sick. If you kept your kids' cords I'm not sorry for offending you. Anyway... it left a little bit of goop on his button, but nothing major. Doctor comes in (amazed that I'm not crying this time I'm sure) and looks at him. She looks at me, looks at him, looks at me and says "Um... when did his cord fall off?" in a voice that screamed "I'm calling the authorities! You are not bathing your child!" I calmly replied, "About 30 seconds ago. Its in the trash." I added that last bit just for good measure. Ha. This visit we had to get a PKU test done. Boo for that. I held Rhett at my shoulder while the nurse pricked his heal. The kid started screaming when she started pulling his foot down to get the blood on the paper. Are you kidding me? Not a peep when the snip him, not a squeal when they poke him, but he wails like he lost a limb when they grab his foot. Nerd.
Unfortunately I don't have any updates about myself except to say that I am not nursing because I'm bone dry. Apparently I have faulty equipment or something because nothing came in. I'm not even heart broken about it, because lets be honest I wasn't going to nurse because it was healthy for Rhett, I was going to nurse so my uterus would shrink faster in hopes that I would lose weight. Mother of the year folks. Currently my days are filled with holding Rhett. That is literally all I do. Ask the hubs. Dishes? Don't care. Laundry? I'd rather be naked. Sitting on the couch holding Rhett and looking out the window in between the times I kiss his cheeks? My new favorite past time. If you made it to the end of this post I will reward you with pictures.
Pick a neck roll... my heavens child.
He likes the ceiling fan. The kid stares at it and talks to it. P.S. Haylee...we love that blanket.
This is what I stare at all day. Love him.
17 thoughts:
Oh I love how you write, thoroughly entertaining! I truely love that face! It's to the point of being too cute, is that even possible? No never mind ADORABLE!
You are a hoot :] Rhett is lucky to have you for his mother!
Colton told me some happy news about your little family this morning! Congratulations!!
He is too cute! And your stories make me feel half-sane! :) We bought that exact same dinosaur fabric for our little guy's bedding. Can't wait for my cousin to finish it!
Too Cute! :) So happy for you! :)
I love that you really put it out there and aren't afraid to really tell us what your really thinking! Its great!
I think there is nothing wrong with just holding your baby all day- Laundry and dishes can wait-- Enjoy this time with your handsome babes!
Oh an I can totally relate to the crying before the procedure-- I did the same thing when we went to Aspyn's first appointment (which she was only 6 days old)- and my dr sent us straight to Primary Childrens for a CT Scan! I cried all the way to SLC!!
Hey this is Teri..I don't know if you remember me or not from the good ole days of Ice softball but....I cried when my little guy got circumcised too! I was crazy and thought i could watch!
I absolutely love when you tell stories. It's my favorite.
Amber... You are the BEST! I get such a kick out of reading your posts. You are ALWAYS so entertaining. I needed a good laugh today, so thanks! Enjoy every second with your sweet baby boy. The dishes and laundry can wait! :o)
All I can say is, "I LOVE HIM!"
I agree that you are totally entertaining writer! I love it! I always read it to my husband too because I think it is so funny! Don't worry though. My baby is just over 4 months old and I am still emotional. I hope yours ends sooner than mine! :)
Woot Woot! I made your post. YESSS! I'm glad he likes his blanket. It's filled with love from me and his new BF Kellson. :)
I love that little face! We all need to get together soon!
So sweet!! Such a cute little man!! I remember being so emotional but I can say when it got better but it did.. However, anything to do with Trig I still find myself getting a little emotional "sometimes". Don't stress to much, it just shows you love your little guy!! I remember hearing Trig screaming in the Nursery because our room was so close... I felt so bad for him!!! It's hard... but I hate to say it.. wait til he has to have shots.. It's really sad:-(
Love the stories you tell as always!! I am totally offended cause I keep my kids cords. SO KIDDING!! Who would think to do that? Your take on nursing cracked me up! Surprising your "bone dry" with those voluptuousnesses you have!! Ha Ha!
Love seeing the pics of your little sweetie. Makes me want a baby boy again! Especially cause Emett had that same sports onsie, and I love that dinosaur blanket. You know Emett's obsessed with dinosaurs!
You crack me up, and Baby Rhett is too precious for words! I would stare at him all day too. Adorable.
What a great post! Loved it. And love that your posts are mommy posts now! Yea! He's so precious. This time I will be attempting nursing for the first time. (on medication with Eva so I couldn't). I am so not looking forward to it. Clint being able to help feed Eva was heaven sent. Maybe I'll be bone dry like you! faulty equipment..you are so funny
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