
Tuesday, May 24, 2011


minimum requirements:

3 bedrooms

2 bathrooms


1700 square feet--ish...

located anywhere from North Ogden to Hooper

No more than 160K...ish.


Find me my dream house.

4 thoughts:

The Storeys said...

You need to look on if you haven't already. Theres alot of houses in Harrisville for a good price. There also was a HUD home that looked like it was in good condition for only like 124k.

ThE fRoNkS!... said...

AMBER AMBER AMBER!! Buy my house! I would love if you did. I know you would take care of it. It has 3 bdrm's 2 bathrooms, unfinished basement. 2500 sq feet. BEAUTIFUL yard. And my ward would love you. I am so not kidding? I still have a present for you, when can we get together? Let me know, love ya!

Marriott's said...

There is a house on 12th street in West Warren for sale. It is way cute and has a nice Garage behind it. Not sure what the price is but I got the number for you.
Hope you can find something GREAT!!!

Anonymous said...

come look in my neighborhood. there are tons of houses for sale that meet your requirements!