Ok. It has been a week and I now feel about halfway to normal so I am going to attempt to document Rhett's arrival. Deep breath... here we go...
Last Monday the hubs and I geared up for our appointment with the doc. My appointment was supposed to be on Tuesday, but I was entirely finished with being pregnant and spent a week straight calling his office (not joking) and telling him things like "Sure hope you have a nice weekend since I won't cause I'M STILL PREGNANT" or "You sir are a sadist and I want to light you on fire" so he caved and moved my appointment up to Monday instead. I went into the appointment ready to convince him that this baby needed to be out. Like, yesterday.
He checked to see if I had dialated any more(which is anything but pleasant...wish someone would have warned me) to which I hadn't. Baby was still huge, still floating, and I was still dialated to a 1. Super. He started to explain that we could give him one more week to drop, and I immediately started glaring and shaking my head. He then said there was still the C-section option, but I needed to know that if I went that route I probably wouldn't be able to pop out 12 kids (oh darn) but would probably be limited to about 4 (oh darn again). I explained how ok with that I was and he informed me he had already scheduled the C-section for the following morning. He figured that would be my answer. Duh. We called family to let them know the plan, and Dewy and I stopped and ate at Boccia's for dinner as a last meal kind of thing if you will. When we got home, my dad and my father in law came over to help Dewy give me a blessing, and it was readily evident I wasn't the only one who needed one. Dewy was a stress case. It was making me nervous and a few times I looked at him and said "You knew this was coming right? This wasn't a secret... I haven't just let myself go there really is a baby in there..." Turns out he was more worried about me being sliced open. What a sweetie.
Tuesday morning bright and early the hubs and I were at the hospital. I was taken straight into surgery prep while Dewy filled out paperwork. I was prepped for about an hour and they finally told me it was time to go. Ever walked into a surgery room? Seemed a little weird to just walk in there, but whatever. The room itself was a little daunting. White walls, white floor, white table, etc. Kinda creepy. I got up on the bed and Dewy sat next to me while they administered the epidural. Weirdest feeling of my life. It didn't really hurt so much, just felt a little uncomfortable. My whole body tingled like your foot does when it falls asleep. They placed the bar over my shoulders where the sheet would go to keep me blind to the procedure, and then they taped my belly to it so as to lift my belly clear up to my chest. I could feel everything they were doing. I couldn't feel the pain, just the pressure of someone invading your guts. Then all of a sudden two doctors were on either side of me with their forearms on my rib cage shoving him out. That was a little weird too. Out came Rhett about 10 minutes after the procedure started, and Dewy was off to follow him. This is when things got a little less than pleasant.
Apparently they turn off the epidural after baby comes out because it takes a while for it to wear off anyway. Not for me. No sir. The stitching up process took about 30 minutes and about 10 minutes in I could feel them. They turned the epidural back on, but by the time they were finished stitching and stapling I had tears streaming down my face. Worst. Half-hour. Ever. When I got into recovery, they couldn't get my morphine pump to work, and to save you the details I was without pain meds from 9:30 am until 4pm. I was slightly less than impressed, and may have been slightly less than pleasant. Meanwhile, baby Hodges needed a name. We went into the hospital with 4 names: Kai, Bennett, Kenyan, and Rhett. When he came out, Dewy followed and immediately decided he didn't look like a Kai or a Kenyan. He wanted my help with the name decision, but I was out of commission. Finally when Icould focus I said if I'm picking then it is going to be Bennett and Dewy said, "Rhett it is!" Why he even waited for my input is beyond me.
We spent 4 days in the hospital, which got really boring, but we are home now. Rhett is a great baby, and a fabulous sleeper. He goes to bed at 9:30 and wakes up around 4am. Hoorah. Mom is now a bawl baby and cries at the drop of a hat. Not a huge fan of that...it better stop. Gotta go kiss his cheeks off.
12 thoughts:
You little sweetie! Thanks for posting, I'm glad you are all home safe and sound, and hopefully you're not in too much pain!
I think you are great!
Aww that is not a fun story.. but I bet it was worth every minute of it. Rhett is adorable! I hope you don't mind that I still read your blog.
I think you are so Brave!! He is totally a cutie!! Love his cute little nose!! So fun to hear the story!! I hope your loving being a new momma!! Totally understand the crying, it does let up some (at least for me) but i cry so easily now, especially when it involves kids:-) Congrats to you both!
Rhett is such a handsome boy! I am so glad to hear that you are both doing well. Good luck with your recovery! We are so excited for your sweet family to finally have your baby.
How did you get so lucky to get a sleeper? Ellie still doesn't sleep that well...ahh!! I'm so happy for you! I want to see this cute baby in person, when can I come? Can I bring you dinner?
Hey I warned you about the checking to see if you're dilated...lol. But I'm glad things are going better now...When they gave you your epidural did that ask you if you felt a tingling go down your leg?? They asked me that and I just stared at them. :o) LOVE YOU and baby Rhett is perfect. Dewy made a great choice with his name cause it fits him perfect. Congrats and when things settle down, I'll come visit and hold a baby that will actually hold still.
Oh amber I am so sorry! I am so glad that he made it here safe! C-sections are a little scary. My experience with it wasn't near as bad as yours but they still aren't fun either way! I hope you are able to get back to bending soon! :) Rhett is adorable and I LOVE the name Rhett!
Thank you for sharing your birth story! I love reading everyone's experience :) I tear up every stinkin time...
Glad to hear he got here safe and sound :) Congrats again on your new addition ! He's is such a lil stud muffin!!
What a cutie, congrates.....enjoy every single second they grow up way to fast. Kim
thanks for sharing your story! i was hoping you would, and have been watching!
glad you "soldiered thru" & are surviving your first steps into mommyhood!
and HOLY CRAP at the good sleeping!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sending good vibes your way that that continues, too!!!!
You sure are a great story teller! Not the funnest story this time, but definitely a great ending! A BABY!!
Sorry you went through so much pain. Cute about Dewy being scared for you! And the "you knew this was coming" part! Saw him at Smith's the other day, that cute new daddy! All proud! I love it!
I love that the Dr. already had you scheduled, knowing you too well!!
Congrats again cute girl!
Oh honey I'm so sorry for the hard times. Bringing Eva home was pretty much horrible. I'm just so glad you are done,and that much closer to being back to normal. He is so dang precious though. I cannot WAIT to see things like first family pictures (not in the hospital) and 4th of July pictures and what not!
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