
Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Last night I had a mental breakdown. Yesterday we went to the doctor to find an exact weight and get set out what was supposed to be the "plan" for getting Fetus here. My day was great right up until the appointment got underway. We went to the parinatology ultrasound first to get a weight estimate: 8 lbs 6 oz they said. We took the report over to the doc. He chuckled to himself and did some tests of his own after which he said: "This kid is at least 9 lb 5 oz. At least." Excuse me?? Then why the crap am I still carrying him? Get out the knife and start cutting already please. He hasn't dropped down into the birth canal. I'm dialated to a one. And he thinks he wants me to go another week just to give Fetus the chance to drop. He mentioned that AFTER he told me that there is only an 8% chance he will drop to where I could deliver him normally. Nope. Not happening. I'm not one who understands gambling and playing your odds (lets face it I'm just not smart enough to figure things out that involve numbers and such...) but 8% doesn't sound too charming to me. I'll go with the 92% thanks. I left the doctor with this parting comment: "I will be going into labor on Thursday morning. When I get there, we will give him 5 minutes to drop and then we are going to start the C section. Got it? See you Thursday. Go ahead and clear your schedule." When I got into the car the weight of it all slammed me in the chest. I can't go another week. Mentally I'm done. I can't tell you the last time I slept (which isn't helping the situation and if one more person tells me its just preparing me for when the baby is actually here I'll scream because I feel like it would be much easier to wake up to take care of my baby rather than be awake all night because I can't breathe or because I hurt) and my students told me yesterday that my legs look like elephant's legs. Hate them. Part of me feels like I shouldn't complain because at least I can have kids where some women can't, but that part of me is being overrun by the angry and frustrated woman with a broken rib and elephantitis. Last night admidst my breakdown there was a silver lining. The hubs and dad gave me a blessing. Wish I would have thought of that sooner. I was secretly hoping they would say something that would command my body to induce labor, but alas it full of comforting things and I did feel much better after we finished. It is a good thing today is the last day of work. Pray for my optimism to return.

9 thoughts:

Pyper said...

Your probably sick of hearing this but your almost done! ;) Your doing great!

I will keep my fingers crossed for ya to go into labor tomorrow! (if your desperate enough try some castor oil-- it works for some peeps, but i wouldn't tell the delivery nurses you took it-- they'll don't like it! )

Anonymous said...

I am seriously praying for you!! This last little part is the hardest... I completely empathize with you!! When my due date came and went... and still 9 days later no baby... your brain gets pretty taxed.. but it is all worth it as I am sure that you know! I would hope you can deliver vaginally because c-sections are so much harder to recover from... Anything is possible! I delivered a 9 lb baby and really didn't feel a thing (thanks to an epidural)) GOOD LUCK!! In just days you will hold your sweet baby!!!

The Hicken's said...

Dear Jo,

Poor dear Jo...please remember that this will all be worth it! Soon you will have an adorable cuddly little boy to hold and you will forget everything that you are going through right now! I was told with Riley that she wasn't going to drop and I would probably have to have a c-section...guess what no such thing! It was perfect she came on her own and earlier than we had planned to start me (obviously). Everything was fine. Maybe in the next couple days you will have him. By the way I want to be on your list of people who you let know :) I can't believe you are having a baby!!! Love you!

Tiffany said...

Amber, Working with cheerleaders you probably hear this a lot but, Way to go You can do it!!! I have Been there Done that and when the time comes you will be amazed at how calm you will be. Not to sound too preachy but these babies are precious and you will have help! Let me know if I can do anything. I would love to bring you a dinner.

A 'n D said...

hang in there! miracles happen all the time :o) my first was not cooperating at ALL & i had no progress, dilation, anything til i went into labor the day before scheduled induction (at 41 weeks)...not that that helps when you need to be done & have your sweet baby home - BUT, he'll get here safely & soon, and all the misery will be a past memory!

Natalie said...

I feel your pain! I was that exact same way! 4 weeks before my due date Kynlee was weighing in at 8lbs and I about died!! Good thing i went into labor 2 weeks after that and she was onlt 7lbs 7oz!! I'm SOOOOO glad they were off!!

Brooke and Ben said...

You can do it Amber! We are praying for you. I hope you and Dewy had great birthdays. It is hard to have a really "GOOD" anything when you are at the end of your pregnancy. I can't wait to meet the little fellow. You will be a great mom.

Penni said...

Good luck Amber, you are about to embark on a journey like no other!!

Kari said...

Oh Amb! Hang in there. Sorry he's so big. Those last weeks can be rough. And the swolleness can't be fun.
Soon you won't remember them!!
Just remembered today is saturday and you've probably had him! Hope so!
Cute new running shoes! Love that you matched the stroller to them!!